Thursday, 5 December 2013

Let's make like trees and leave.

Oh man time to leave - oh well,  I'm going to make like a tree and leave. Hey guys, it's that time of year again. No not December - the end of the school year and that means no more Enrich :(.So you won't be geting any posts for a while. But! On the bright side it's Christmas!!!:). Also I finally got my gifted study out of the road.

Heres a link to some christmas jokes

So this is me saying goodbye,  Merry Christmas and thanks to you and the teachers here at Enrich.  If it wasn't for the teachers this blog wouldn't be here and you wouldn't be reading this post right now. Most importantly thanks to you for reading my post(s)throughout the year - so thank you.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Ninjas lurking in the shadows

Here's my animation

Hi ya take that and that!  Hello everyone guess what I did today,  fight Ninjas with pathetic karate.  Nope its well it does have Ninjas involved and alot of fun. The program is called Stykz, its when you take stick people and make an animation. I know what some of you thought when you read the name, you make stuff with sticks. Seriously it is loads of fun check it out.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Todays special

This weeks secial at Don Street Furniture Dept  -  newspaper chairs for frogs only $99.99! Hello everybody - guess what we did today?? If the answers turn Enrich in to an over-priced furniture store you're wrong. We did another technology challenge and guess what? We had to make newspaper chairs for frogs.  We got 2nd although Nicola said no 2nd place only first :(. We had 30 mins to complete it - try this at home and leave a comment to say if it holds it. You have to use a 1 kg wooden frog and masking tape. 

Have fun.


Thursday, 26 September 2013

The zombies are coming arrhh...

Oh no the zombie apocalypse is upon us, arrhh quick run for your lives. Hey guys guess what we did today? If its the zombie apocalypse the answer is no. I did a lego animation with hamy (hamish). This time its about well I dont think I have to tell you because I've already mentioned it twice. The reason that we did a new animation is because we experienced some technical issues but I'll still add it in like I said. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

5 pin bowling

Oh no - only one pin by Joe Jhoston. Hey guys!! Today is great because Hamish and I did a claymation (technically its playdough but same thing right). It took a while but we finished filming it. So now we have to edit and add sound affects.

 I'll put the finished copy in week 8's post if not next term. If you read last week's post you would know that I said I might be programing a robot.  Well I am. 

Woo hoo! I'm continuing it today with Thomas, Jackson and Daniel , and heres a link to a epic chess clay mation

<A clay mation.

Speaking of chess.... today I played Jacob and won now I'm 4th on the leaderboard enjoy.

Your blogger Kyle.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Coming soon to a cinema near you.

Coming soon to a cinema near you is Crazy Cool Science! An action-packed exploration of dry ice. Well I don't think it'll hit the cinemas, but it will be on the big screen. Hey guys the docos finished and off for judging. I'll update you when we are notified which will probably be mid-October or early November, so now I have to change to a passion project. I'm planning a Lego animation, plus I might be programing a robot today!

Your blogger Kyle bye!!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

I got a Prezi

Woo Hoo! Today I got a prezi...... but sadly not a toy or cash - it's a Website membership.  With this website, instead of making a boring word document you can have an awesome poster. Or  I.C.T. display and the best part is that it's completely free to students and teachers. I highly recommend this website to students. Here is the link to prezi

Have fun!!!

Thursday, 8 August 2013

What time is it? Movie time!

Okay... When is this movie going to be ready? I cant wait! Oh, there's the piece we needed. Woo Hoo! Now we're talking.  Aloha everyone. We're finally making progress with our documentary.  We are past the voice-overs and now we're on to adding in extra things like transitions and sound effects. Heres a fun fact about dry ice: Did you know that doctors use dry ice to remove warts?

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Sugar Baby Rescue

Ah oh! Four sugar babies are in need of assistance but the stretchers broken, well we'll have to make one out of newspaper , tape and then save the babies... Well not real babies, bags of sugar and flour were what we use at Enrich.  

Once we built the stretcher (which looked more like a raft gone wrong). Katie  escorted  us to the obstacle course it had rocks A.K.A cones and a Mountain A.K.A 6 chairs our team was the only raft that made it through and  I learnt that simple materials can make a complex structure. 

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Moving to Russia in 2 seconds

Well I'm moving to Russia in 2 seconds. How is this possible? Well on google maps it is today with Jenni I did maping.  

We used the ipads to explore  the world. I was looking for Australia but ended up in the Pacific Islands then I typed in Russia and within 2 seconds I was in Russia .

We learnt how to read maps and what the different colours on maps mean. Green is parks and forests. Brown is the contour lines that show how hilly the landscape is . Blue is the sea, rivers and lakes. Black was man made structures.
Ps: Sorry for no posts lately

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Oh no my train!

Aw man, my train is in the ditch again. Oh well....back to the drawing board.

Oh hi, hope you weren't on that train. Well today Jenni showed us some great learning apps for  I pad/pod/phone. Three were to publish work and two were educational multi-math and simple physics.

In multi-math you have to put the right amount of fingers on the right buttons. Now for the best app - simple physics. You have to build these metal structures to support their needs.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Tasty drama

"Right, now make a sandwich". Well, it certainly was not a tasty sandwich, unless you like the taste of Thomas, Jacob, Clara, Tara and I in a human sandwich! After morning tea we did some spatial drama activities. One of them was called '10 Second Objects'. In your group, you had to make whatever object Nicola called out.  These were the things we had to make:
1 - A sandwich
2 - A fire
3 - A clock
4 - A breakfast

Thursday, 30 May 2013

What your favourite...?

What's your favourite food? Mine is mandarin. Well today for MADE Awards, we filmed a practice  movie. I paired up with Jackson to film Neave and Natasha completing an interview. First Neave and Natasha filmed us. We each had to prepare 5-6 questions earlier. Jackson asked "What's your favourite food?" I said "Mandarins". Then, I asked Jackson the same question and he said sushi. All this was to practice using the video cameras, as well as using different camera angles like close ups and long shots. By the way, we are now doing a kids sceince documentary so I'm Professer Kyle from now until the end of term three.

Thursday, 23 May 2013


The Pit was made to trip everyone up in life and ruin your day But! Today we learnt how to get out of the pit. Things that can put you in the pit is to be tired, angry, stressed, nervous or confused and here are ways to get out.... talk about it, go to your teacher, don't give up and ask for help. Now you know how to get out of The Pit !

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Chess the final frontier

Chess can finally be called an action packed game! NOT ! It was a long chess session Darryn vs me to the death (not really, well to the death of our kings). I unleashed the Queen she actually lasted longer than I thought. 

Until da da da, Darryn's  knight took out her R.I.P your highness on the bright side I killed his Queen first. In the end I lost my kingdom was destroyed.

This was part of the advanced chess session I went to this morning.  The chess tournament is coming up - it's held in Dunedin.  Only the top 5-6 players of each Enrich day can go.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

3 2 1 Action!

Stop stop cut - we're still planning our documentary people. We have the council's phone number but we need more phone numbers. Let's make this the best kids documentary ever.

 Hi its me again - our progress on our documentary is growing.  Neave, Natasha and I have planned it most of it already.  Right have to go - making a documentary. All right people 3 2 1 action!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Second last week of term...

Today at Enrich we did Talent Development. I am doing the MADE (Media and Digital Excellence) Awards with Neave and Natasha. We are going to do a Documentary! Next we played chess. I played Natasha. The game took for ever. In the end I won. We also did a perfectionism task today.  You have one minute and a sheet of paper with jumbled numbers on it.  You have to circle as many numbers as you can in 1 minute. The first time I got 15 numbers circles, but the second time I got 20/60!  We do these tasks to exercise our brains, and so that we have a go at it, and try not to panic!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

The Pattern Park

Have you ever noticed all the patterns in Invercargill's Queens Park ?? Well today at Enrich we went to the park. We found about 7 patterns on the way there. But at the park my partner dropped our camera, I was annoyed because I didn't take any photos . Luckily Max and Daniel let us use their camera. 

In the end we took 79 photos, we found lots of patterns.  We found beautiful patterns, patterns with order, patterns with strength and survivability.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Another amazing day at Enrich

Hola! Today at Enrich I did what is giftedness? Darryn read out some scenarios and we had to choose whether they were intelligent or not. There was no wrong answers. Then we had two talent development tasters. I did music with Nicola. We sang a song and did a worksheet on notes (musical notes) and then my favourite sketching with Darryn. I sketched a Bishop and Darryn said 3 dimensions=3 directions.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Caine's arcade

Aloha ! Today we watched an amazing film on Caine's Arcade . The story is set in east LA. Caine's father owns an auto parts store and one day Caine won a mini basketball hoop so he made a CARDBOARD arcade. It was outstanding and the film maker raised over $100,000 for his scholar ship . He also made fun passes $2 for 500 turns on any game .

At the end they advertised the global cardboard challenge  to find out more visit and here is the link to the video 

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Hoola Hoop Hell

Grrrr at Enrich the morning was cold but despite the weather, inside the building, the heat was on..... every group filled with frustration determined to beat the Hoola Hoop Hell !! It seemed so easy just to hop into a hoop, but no way could we make it. We tried every tactic we could think of then I paused and saw every other group doing the same person at the front, and two at the back. Aha! Eureka! Hallelujah! We gave it a go but man did we stuff that up. My whole group crashed and burned in a tired heap. Maybe we would never escape Hoola Hoop Hell.