Thursday, 30 May 2013

What your favourite...?

What's your favourite food? Mine is mandarin. Well today for MADE Awards, we filmed a practice  movie. I paired up with Jackson to film Neave and Natasha completing an interview. First Neave and Natasha filmed us. We each had to prepare 5-6 questions earlier. Jackson asked "What's your favourite food?" I said "Mandarins". Then, I asked Jackson the same question and he said sushi. All this was to practice using the video cameras, as well as using different camera angles like close ups and long shots. By the way, we are now doing a kids sceince documentary so I'm Professer Kyle from now until the end of term three.

Thursday, 23 May 2013


The Pit was made to trip everyone up in life and ruin your day But! Today we learnt how to get out of the pit. Things that can put you in the pit is to be tired, angry, stressed, nervous or confused and here are ways to get out.... talk about it, go to your teacher, don't give up and ask for help. Now you know how to get out of The Pit !

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Chess the final frontier

Chess can finally be called an action packed game! NOT ! It was a long chess session Darryn vs me to the death (not really, well to the death of our kings). I unleashed the Queen she actually lasted longer than I thought. 

Until da da da, Darryn's  knight took out her R.I.P your highness on the bright side I killed his Queen first. In the end I lost my kingdom was destroyed.

This was part of the advanced chess session I went to this morning.  The chess tournament is coming up - it's held in Dunedin.  Only the top 5-6 players of each Enrich day can go.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

3 2 1 Action!

Stop stop cut - we're still planning our documentary people. We have the council's phone number but we need more phone numbers. Let's make this the best kids documentary ever.

 Hi its me again - our progress on our documentary is growing.  Neave, Natasha and I have planned it most of it already.  Right have to go - making a documentary. All right people 3 2 1 action!